Introducing The Purple Pledge
Our Purple Pledge Campaign aims to:
Support as many companies as possible with robust Domestic Abuse policies.
Support as many companies as possible with a minimum of one Domestic Abuse Champion (a trained individual who has the tools to support employees when they disclose).
Support employers to provide a safe, open organisation where employees can recognise, respond and refer.
Award-winning, innovative and accredited training
With over 20 years of delivering award-winning and innovative training to professionals nationwide, we now offer training accredited by the CPD Certification Service and AIM Qualifications and Assessment Group. Our training team comprises of experts in the field who can deliver survivor-focused training that equip you with the skills to understand and respond effectively to Domestic Abuse. We also work closely with companies and organisations to train their employees to identify signs of Domestic Abuse, develop a keen interest to raise awareness and help break the stigma, as well as support HR staff to write specific Domestic Abuse and Stalking Workplace policies.
Training Courses
We offer the following CPD accredited courses:
Domestic Abuse Awareness
This training will enable you to better understand the realities and prevalence of domestic abuse, using statistics, legislation, and the new Domestic Bill Act.
Domestic Abuse: Supporting CYP with Play and Therapeutic Interventions
This training aims to give a comprehensive understanding of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) within the context of domestic and child abuse.
Domestic Abuse: Over 55’s – Abuse is Ageless
The training provides you with the knowledge and skills you need to safeguard children and young people. It describes the common types of abuse, how to recognise them, and how to respond to your concerns.
Domestic Abuse: Rape & Sexual Violence
This training is for employees and employers, small and large organisations to identify signs of domestic abuse, raising awareness and breaking the stigma.
Domestic Abuse: Workplace Ambassador
This training is for employees and employers, small and large organisations to identify signs of domestic abuse, raising awareness and breaking the stigma.
Domestic Abuse: Stalking and Harassment
A comprehensive training that explores examples of stalking behaviours; differing stalking typologies and the stalker’s intent.
Domestic Abuse: Modern Slavery
This is a training designed to help attendees gain knowledge about the realities and prevalence of Modern Slavery.
Domestic Abuse: Forced Marriage & so-called ‘Honour’ Based Abuse
This Multi-Agency training will increase Practitioners’ knowledge and confidence having an awareness of forced marriage and so-called ‘honour’ based abuse.
Domestic Abuse: Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Awareness
This training aims to give a comprehensive understanding of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) within the context of domestic and child abuse.
Domestic Abuse: Supporting victims with No Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF)
This training is to enable you to understand the complexities of domestic abuse and immigration issues and how to respond appropriately to enable a woman to receive the right support.
Domestic Abuse: Supporting a person with a disability
This training is to gain knowledge about the realities and prevalence of domestic abuse and how the abuse suffered by a woman with a disability often goes unreported and unnoticed, leaving them hidden victims.
Domestic Abuse: Reproductive Coercion, Pregnancy & the Unborn Child
This training is to enable you to understand the complex nature of domestic abuse, reproductive coercion, and pregnancy and how this can impact the lives of families.
Domestic Abuse: Supporting Employees in the Workplace
This training is for employees and employers, small and large organisations to identify signs of domestic abuse, raising awareness and breaking the stigma.
Domestic Abuse: Coercive Control
This training gives a practitioner’s an understanding of the dynamics of domestic abuse and coercive/ controlling behaviour.
Training Courses
Domestic Abuse: Stress Awareness
This training is meant to help you identify and cope with the stressors that come from your work.
Domestic Abuse: Lone Working
An employee working alone is more likely to make poor health and safety decisions and take more risks without a colleague around to share and discuss the decision making. We will help you overcome this barrier with advice on planning ahead, decision making procedures and how and when to best respond to situations that arise.
Domestic Abuse: Health, Safety and Wellbeing in the Workplace
This training will increase your awareness on staying safe within your workplace.
Domestic Abuse: Safeguarding – Adults at Risk
The training gives professionals an understanding adult safeguarding and explains your safeguarding responsibilities, how to recognise signs of abuse and neglect, and how to report your concerns.
Domestic Abuse: Safeguarding – Children and Young People (CYP)
The training provides you with the knowledge and skills you need to safeguard children and young people. It describes the common types of abuse, how to recognise them, and how to respond to your concerns.
Why choose us?
The Haven Training
- We offer bespoke training for businesses and organisations looking for a more specialised areas of training.
- We can create bespoke supporting material (posters/ leaflets/ staff handbook specific to your organisation.
- Our training effectively combines theory with practice.
- We were awarded the Princess Royal Training Award in 2017.
- We have an expert academic team who develop course content.
- We have a comprehensive, continually evolving package of courses.
- You can learn with us from anywhere as we have adapted our awareness and workplace training, and are currently delivering them remotely as webinars.
- Our courses are accredited by the CPD Service and AIM Qualifications and Assessment Group.
New Level 4 Qualification
We are proud to present our nationally recognised Level 4 qualification designed to help you support Domestic Abuse victims and survivors who have been assessed as being at a heightened of harm or homicide. This qualification is accredited by AIM Qualifications and Assessment Group.
The qualification is suitable for:
- Refuge workers including Managers
- Independent Domestic Violence Advocates (IDVAs)
- Frontline Support Staff
- Family Support Workers
- Strengthening Family Workers
- Children Workers
- Social Workers
- Outreach Workers
The course is particularly suitable if you have worked in the sector for some years and now wish to have your knowledge and expertise recognised by a formal qualification.