A donation of £7.50 could cover the cost of a call to our emergency helpline, which for so many women is the first step away from abuse and homelessness. Your donations make a huge difference to the work that we do.
Thank you…
With your donations we can offer wrap-around support for women and children fleeing from domestic abuse and can empower them along their journey as they take the brave steps towards brighter futures. This only remains possible thanks to people like YOU.

Standing Order / Bank Transfer
You can make a donation directly from your bank account to ours. It could be a one-off donation or you can set up a regular gift through online banking. So that we can say a big thank you and let you know how your money is helping please click here to request our details.
Make A Regular Gift
Making a regular donation is more than just giving money, it is a commitment to putting an end to domestic abuse and to protecting the future generations of women and girls in Wolverhampton.
We truly believe in making every penny you donate count, so you won’t receive any glossy magazines from us or unnecessary postage. You can expect that funds will go directly to the women and children. We like to communicate via email and occasionally we will update you so you can see how you are helping us to create a safer future for women and children.
How to set up a regular gift?
Scroll up this page slightly and you will see a few options including Just Giving. You can also set up a Direct Debit from your bank account. Please click here to request our details.
You can make a secure online payment through our PayPal page. It’s quick and easy to do. You can choose to make a one-off payment or make arrangements to set up regular monthly payments.
Just Giving
You can make a secure online payment through our Just Giving page. It’s quick and easy to do. You can choose to make a one-off donation or make arrangements to set up regular monthly donations. Every penny raised goes into supporting vital work here at The Haven to support women and children fleeing domestic abuse. Click on the Just Giving logo below to choose the option that most suits you.
Social Media
You can now also donate via our social media pages. There are no fees meaning more of your donation will go directly to supporting women and children in dire need.
Visit our Facebook page and look for a post that has a donate button. Alternatively, you can create your own fundraising page to raise funds on our behalf. You can find out more here or contact give@havenrefuge.org.uk
Visit our Instagram page and look out for the donate button in our profile sections.
Gift Aid
You can make your donation go even further by stating your eligibility for Gift Aid.
What is Gift Aid?
Gift Aid is a scheme set up by HMRC to allow charities to reclaim the basic tax rate you have paid on your donation at no extra cost to you or the charity. This means that by stating you are eligible for Gift Aid, for every £10 donated, we can claim an additional £2.50. This alone is enough to cover the cost of a call to our emergency helpline and so, really does make all the difference. Download our Gift Aid form here. If you are unsure whether you are eligible for Gift Aid or would like further information, why not download our Gift Aid FAQ.
Payroll Giving
Payroll Giving is a great way for anyone who pays income tax to make a regular gift to support women and children at The Haven. It is also the most tax-efficient way to make a donation to us as your donation will come straight from your gross salary, before tax. This means if you make a monthly donation of £10, you only actually contribute £8 of that yourself as the other £2 is what would have been paid to HMRC.
This is a great way of making your donation go further. You can set up your payroll giving donation in a few simple steps by contacting your payroll department and asking if they have a payroll giving scheme in place. If they do, great! Complete their form, selecting The Haven Wolverhampton as your chosen charity, and your employer can guide you from there.
If they don’t have a payroll giving scheme in place, information about payroll giving can be found on Professional Fundraising Organisation websites such as the Charities Aid Foundation or Charities Trust.
Please feel free to pass our details on to your employer if they need any help and support getting set up or about how they can promote the scheme to employees across the company. There are proven benefits to team engagement and morale when your colleagues feel like they are coming together to make a real difference to the lives of those in their community therefore promoting a payroll giving scheme can be a great addition to your wellbeing packages.
You can contact our team via give@havenrefuge.org.uk
Did you know that if 5 of your team donated £10 a month, you could help to ensure 25 calls to our emergency helpline are answered?
If 10 of your team donated £20 a month, you could help us to provide food for 20 women and their children for one day in refuge
If 30 of your team donated £5 a month, you could help us to provide 6 play therapy sessions for children to help them overcome the trauma they have experienced.
There are always items that we are desperately in need of for the women and children at The Haven. One way you can support is by visiting our Amazon Wishlist. There is a variety of items to choose from, everything from bedding to homeware. Your donation will be delivered directly to The Haven and can start to make a difference to the lives of those braving new starts away from abuse. CLICK HERE to visit our Amazon Wishlist.
Donate by Post
The Haven can take receipt of cheque donations through the post. Please make cheques/postal orders payable to ‘The Haven Wolverhampton’
and return to:
Fundraising Team
The Haven Wolverhampton,
18 Waterloo Road,
Please do not send cash in the post, and please note; The Haven Wolverhampton is unable to accept responsibility for cheques lost in the post.
Shop for The Haven
Do you shop often at high street retailers such as Argos, Amazon or Tesco? Or even have a weekend takeaway from Just-Eat? With EasyFundraising you can sign up and shop your favourite brands whilst also donating vital funds to The Haven Wolverhampton to support women and children affected by domestic abuse. The bonus? This is all done at no cost to you or us! Simply sign up via www.easyfundraising.org.uk and choose The Haven Wolverhampton, shop with over 7000 brands and the brand will donate part of what you spend to your chosen charity. This is a really simple (and FREE) way for you to make a difference to the lives of women and children who had fled from the trauma of abuse. Will you support The Haven by shopping?!
Gifts in Kind
As we continue to prioritise the safety of women and children and continue to follow government guidance, sadly we are currently unable to accept any gift in kind donations.
Under normal circumstances we are always very grateful for your kind donations – if you are able to hold on to your donations of clothing and toiletries, when things get back to “normal”, we would be happy to accept them.
Make A Regular Gift
Making a regular donation is more than just giving money, it is commitment to putting an end to domestic abuse and to protecting the future generations of women and girls in Wolverhampton.
We truly believe in making every penny you donate count, so you won’t receive any glossy magazines from us or unnecessary postage. You can expect that funds will go directly to the women and children. We like to communicate via email and occasionally we will update you so you can see how you are helping us to create a safer future for women and children.
How to set up a regular gift? – will depend on page layout
Why not make your regular gift go even further by Gift Aid-ing it? Don’t forget to send the form back to us!
Payroll Giving
Payroll Giving means your monthly donation comes straight from your salary. The best part is that it comes from your gross salary which means if you make a monthly donation of £10, you would only actually contribute £8 as the other £2 would have been paid out as tax.
This is a great way of making your donation go further. So, why not take a look at our form. You can set up your payroll giving donation in a few simple steps:
Donate by post
Senior Community Fundraiser
The Haven Wolverhampton,
18 Waterloo Road,
WV1 4BL.
Please do not send cash in the post, and please note; The Haven Wolverhampton is unable to accept responsibility for cheques lost in the post
There are two ways that you can support us through Amazon:
Amazon Wishlist: If you want to support us with a donation but aren’t sure what would be useful, please do check out our Amazon wishlist as we keep this up to date with current needs.
Amazon Smile: With Amazon Smile you can help raise money for us at no extra cost to you. It’s really easy and you don’t need to sign up for a new account if you have an Amazon account already. All you need to do is visit smile.amazon.co.uk, select The Haven Wolverhampton as your charity, and then remember to go to smile.amazon.co.uk instead of the normal amazon website everytime you shop! Thank you for choosing The Haven.
Why not go to https://couponfollow.com/smilematic – This is a free tool that will automatically direct you to amazon smile every time you log on, ensuring that every purchase you make counts and is not missed.
Gifts in kind
Under normal circumstances we are always very grateful for your kind donations – if you are able to hold on to your donations of clothing and toiletries, when things get back to “normal”, we would be happy to accept them.
We would love the chance to be able to share good news stories with you throughout the year and give you updated on how your valued gift is making a difference to the lives of those we support. If you are happy to, please subscribe to our newsletter by filling out the form above or get in touch by emailing give@havenrefuge.org.uk – you can also ask any questions you may have about setting up a regular gift and tell us more about what has inspired you to support The Haven.
Thank you so much in advance for your kind and generous support.