This training is meant to help you identify and cope with the stressors that come from your work.
Domestic Abuse: Lone Working
An employee working alone is more likely to make poor health and safety decisions and take more risks without a colleague around to share and discuss the decision making. We will help you overcome this barrier with advice on planning ahead, decision making procedures and how and when to best respond to situations that arise.
Domestic Abuse: Health, Safety and Wellbeing in the Workplace
This training will increase your awareness on staying safe within your workplace.
Domestic Abuse: Safeguarding – Adults at Risk
The training gives professionals an understanding adult safeguarding and explains your safeguarding responsibilities, how to recognise signs of abuse and neglect, and how to report your concerns.
Domestic Abuse: Safeguarding – Children and Young People (CYP)
The training provides you with the knowledge and skills you need to safeguard children and young people. It describes the common types of abuse, how to recognise them, and how to respond to your concerns.