Annie’s Story

Annie was referred to The Haven aged 17, as a high-risk case, with sexual violence. She had reported rape by her ex-boyfriend who had also filmed her without her consent. He also had images of a sexual nature on his phone which he threatened to post online if she was to leave him. Annie disclosed this information to the police and an investigation ensued. The ex-boyfriend was deemed to be a serial perpetrator, having consistently abused his own mother and grandmother at the age of 18.

Annie initially wanted to withdraw her statement so that she can “carry on with her life”. The process was taking its toll and she felt it was all too much for her. After speaking to Annie about the support we can offer her, she decided to continue with the criminal case. Her ex-boyfriend was arrested.

Annie decided she would like some counselling support from The Haven as her support from Base 25 was ending. Annie was placed on the sexual violence (children and young people) counselling list and engaged very well with her counsellor.

Annie has completed her sessions on time via phone because of COVID-19. Worksheets were sent over to Annie prior so she could see what work would be completed. Work completed includes: recognising abuse, different kinds of abuse, focusing on sexual abuse. Healthy relationships, child sexual exploitation risks, online safety, grooming and a lot of emotional support.

Our children’s Independent Sexual Violence Advisor also completed work with Annie about future relationships, warning signs to look out for e.t.c. They discussed Claire’s Law.  Annie engaged very well and it came to light there was a lot more abuse than previously disclosed. Annie disclosed that Sam would often beat her and pour hot drinks over her, he has also ripped off her fingernail extensions before. We encouraged Annie to disclose this new information to the police when they called to do a check-in.

When bail ended for her ex-boyfriend, he was released pending an investigation, while both their phones were kept under forensics for evidence. We discussed with Annie the possibility of getting a non-molestation order against Sam as she was feeling nervous about going to school and leaving her home. We supported her in applying for one and this was served a month later. Annie is now awaiting a virtual court date. She is happy with the order being served and knows how to report a breach. Our Children’s Independent Sexual Violence Advisor has discussed what will happen in court with Annie at length and she feels comfortable with her solicitor.

Annie is in sixth form and her future plans are to go to university. Her school is aware but Annie is under no pressure to discuss further as they know she has support externally. Annie feels going to school is a welcome break for her and she is happy that she is being supported to do so safely. Annie has a supportive family and engages very well.

Our Children’s Independent Sexual Violence Advisor will continue to support Annie until the non-molestation is a final order. We will also support Annie through the police investigation and hopefully, the criminal court should the Crown Prosecution Services decide to prosecute this case.

Annie’s name has been changed to protect her identity. Images are for illustration purposes only. 


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Domestic Abuse Helpline: (24/7) 08000 194 400
WhatsApp Helpline: (Mon-Fri | 9.00am – 5.00pm) 07719 558 183

Safety Planning Guide

Information to consider if you are thinking about leaving an abusive relationship.

Health & Wellbeing Guide

Information to improve your mental health if you are feeling worried and anxious.

Domestic Abuse Guide

Information to help you recognise abuse if you are unsure about what it is.