Women’s Stories
Megan’s Story

Megan’s Story

At the height of fame for this star from BBC’s The Voice, no one knew that off the stage and behind closed doors, Megan Reece was a survivor whose talent had been overshadowed by the dark clouds of an abusive relationship for years. She shares her compelling story of how support from The Haven was crucial to her survival and transformation.

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Naima’s Story

Naima’s Story

Rosie was carrying her two-month-old baby in her arms when she was attacked by her husband in the presence of her mother-in-law. They were both intoxicated and it wasn’t the first time.

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Donna’s Story

Donna’s Story

Donna turned to The Haven’s IDVA Service for support during a challenging court case. Overwhelmed by the justice system, she battled despair and suicidal thoughts. Donna attributes her survival to the Haven IDVA’s encouragement and support.

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Rebecca’s Story

Rebecca’s Story

Rebecca contacted The Haven after being subjected to abuse for 13 years. She was in a relationship with someone who was very controlling and subjected her to emotional, psychological, and physical abuse even after she left him. He stopped her from seeing their child and moved them to a different school when she reported the abuse.

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Aoife’s Story

Aoife’s Story

Aoife is a young woman who left her daughter’s father due to domestic violence and moved in with her mother where she lived with her daughter. The environment quickly became unbearable for her when her mother became manipulative and began to verbally, emotionally and financially abuse. She would take her out loans in her name and expect her to pay.

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Tinu’s Story

Tinu’s Story

Tinu ran away from conflict in her home country in West Africa, in search of safety and protection after her parents were kidnapped and murdered. Only to be met with violence here in the UK when she started an intimate relationship with a man she thought she had a future with.

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Adanna’s Story

Adanna’s Story

Adanna, pressured to marry a man 10 years older, faced control and abuse from both him and his family. When she tried to leave after moving to the UK, he threatened to force her back to their home country to undergo female genital mutilation.

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Fatima’s Story

Fatima’s Story

Fatima came to the UK to meet a man whom she thought was the love of her life. They had been in a long-distance relationship for a while. They were planning to get married but she quickly realised that he was not who she thought he was, when the sexual violence began.

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Jasmin’s Story

Jasmin’s Story

Jasmin was forced into a marriage with someone who told her he did not want to be married to her. When her husband became abusive, and the police were called, she found out that he had canceled her application for right to remain.

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Rosie’s Story

Rosie’s Story

Rosie was carrying her two-month-old baby in her arms when she was attacked by her husband in the presence of her mother-in-law. They were both intoxicated and it wasn’t the first time.

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